Bones – An HTML5, Mobile-First starter theme for rapid WordPress development.
Bones is a WordPress Theme for Developers
Built around the latest in Web Standards, Bones is a rock solid foundation to start any WordPress project. Keep what you need, remove what you don’t. It’s totally up to you.
Bones is not a Framework
Frameworks are great, but sometimes they make things more complicated than they need to be. Bones is as bare and minimalistic as possible. It’s meant to be used on a per-project basis, this means no Child Themes. Hooray!
Bones is Mobile-First & Responsive
Taking the Mobile-First approach is the way to go when building a responsive project. So Bones comes ready to roll with a unique Sass setup that serves minimal resources to smaller screens and scales up depending on your viewport. As anyone who’s ever browsed on a 3G connection will tell you, it’s a difference maker.
Bones comes loaded with Sass
Get started working with the future of CSS today. Using Sass can speed up your development time when used properly. Bones gets you started by giving you a great starting point and lots and lots of comments and examples.
Custom Post Types & Custom Dashboard Functions Preloaded
Bones makes it easy to ap Custom Post Types by giving you a well documented example. It also includes functions to customize the admin area for your clients. These are totally optional though, so if you don’t need them, delete them. No big deal.
Bones is totally Free
Yup. What’s more, if you want to use Bones to create your own themes and sell them, go ahead. Bones is under the WTFPL. So download it and create something beautiful…or ugly. It’s up to you really.
Bones has been around the block. Everywhere from Smashing Magazine, Mashable, and the Treehouse Show.

Featuring the most detailed stylesheets evar, Bones takes pride in showing you exactly what selectors do what and gives them to you in a neat and easy to understand way.
Work with the future in mind, while not having to pander to older browsers. Bones helps you focus on the pretty and serves older browsers clean and simpler versions of your site using the power of Sass/LESS.
With a fantastic Mobile-First approach, Bones serves up the absolute minimum to small devices, saving precious bandwidth and speeding up load times.
Sass comes baked into Bones. You’ll be off and running in no time. Never worked with Sass? Don’t stress, it’s not as hard as you think.
WordPress throws a ton of junk in the header. Bones takes a lot of it out. It’s as simple as that. It’s all about keeping it light and speedy. That’s what your users want after all isn’t it?
Bones grows every day. It’s great for personal projects and clients alike. Download it, Customize it, and make it yours. It’s a strong foundation for every project.
Bones is a theme designed & developed by Eddie Machado. Features artwork by Melanie Matthews. Design & Development by Eddie Machado.